
Tuesday, 30 June 2015

super powers

WALT:use juice vocabulary

If I had a superpower I  will have the ability to shapeshift. Shapeshifting is a super power that lets you turn into any human animal and many more living creatures. Illd like this power because if you are late for school i can turn into flash and get to school super fast.  
                                                   marked by hosea
I think that these super powers would be great for doing the dishes super fast, turning invisible during  hide and seek . Terrerfing  people by turning into John Cena.It will also be great for turning into Usian bolt and winning every race.  
our task ask as to write effected paragraphs About super powers.
My super power was shape shifting.My character was from X Men

Friday, 26 June 2015

super mario world

                                            WALT : write effective paragraphs.
Super mario world is  a magnificent side scrolling game
                          that you play on the internet. It is a tremendous game many people love.
I like this wonderful game because it is very addicting.  

The aim of the game is to get from the start to the finish.
in order to do that you must collect mushrooms to make you grow and stars to win. watch out for enemies that can kill you instantly.
The only way  to destroy them is to jump on there heads.
Mario is a superb little Italian man  with a red hat with an M in the middle of a white of the hat circle . Mario has blue eyes a blue overalls with a red long sleeved top underneath with brown shoes and white gloves .
Mario has lots of friends including Luigi, Toad, Yoshi and many more.

To make mario move is to use your arrow keys.
the p button to pause. You can also push + to increase volume
and - button to decrease volume. If you forget any  of these push
P to show you again. My advice to you is don't hold the run because
you might fall off  so just tap it.

I like this game because it  is very addicting . I give this game a 7 out  of 10. this game is fabulous for people who want something to do. If you want to try it here is a link try not to get stuck in to it.   

Image result for super mario
description of learning
our task was to sit in a circle and write in silence
and do our paragraphs separately.

Wednesday, 24 June 2015


WALT:to use similes to describe things in our writing to capture our audience.

 Today we had to write similes like swung like a monkey

Tuesday, 23 June 2015

Maths Teacher Lesson - Week

WALT: find equivalent fractions

We have been learning to find equivalent fractions. I have learnt that equivalent means the same as. So 4/8 is the same as 1/2.

Maths teacher lesson week 9

   WALT: sequence  fractions

So today we learnt about ordering fractions. If the denominator is the same then we order according to the numerator.

Monday, 8 June 2015

Sports day

Walt: research and work collaboratively.

our task was to work together

Wednesday, 3 June 2015

Week 3 problem solving

WALT: solve multiplication problems with 1 multiplier

bottle rocket

WALT : know that other people might take a different judgement from the same information.


Sports day

Walt: research and work collaboratively.