
Wednesday, 27 May 2015

Mr Wiseman's new born baby

Walt: write a lead paragraph of a news report
In Auckland New zealand at pt england school Mr
wiseman year 7 and 8  has been away for a very long time.
because of the amazing news of his new born baby  Ailah  (the spelling is unsure) .

term twos immersion assembly

Walt: write a detailed introduction with hook and orientation.
Have you ever seen your teacher on a hovercraft ? Well on the first day back from the holidays In our immersion assembly. Mr Sommerville had rode around on a homemade hovercraft.this is what happen.

The first thing that we did was line up and walk over to the hall, while our class was  standing  there we saw all the other classes  sitting up and getting sandwiches, cookies and carrot sticks  .Can You imagine that . Have you ever got free food at school before?

After everyone was settled down Mr Burt
told us what the topic was, and what it was about. Then team 1 did there item about eating healthy and keeping it clean.

Overall my thoughts of the assembly was great it made me feel pumped and ready for this years topic.

Wednesday, 20 May 2015

word classes

WALT:We are learning how identify different word classes using pictures

Today our task was in room six literacy we learnt how to identify different word classes and  I learnt what a determiner is do you know your word classes ?  

Friday, 15 May 2015


Walt: Solve multiplication problems using a range of strategies

liams christchurch interveiw

Walt: Find proof of the authors message.
Liam is a 13 year old boy that lives in Auckland New Zealand. He likes playing computer games with his .

we were able to catch up with liam and ask him question about the christchurch earthquake.

Hi liam how has your life been affected by the christchurch earthquake?
My aunty uncle and two cousins live there and i'm worried about them because they might be hurt badly.  they were very nice and lovey.

Liam what would you do if an earthquake hit your city how would it affect you and your family.

it will be devastating because I wouldn't be able to play my favorite computer games and it would hurt me and my family.

Okay Liam this is our last question, how would you react in a horrible earthquake
i will run underneath my computer table and hold on really tight .

Friday, 8 May 2015


Terry is 13 years old boy that loves computer games including krag castle.He lives in New Zealand with his mum.

If an earthquake hit your city  how would it affect you or your life?
it will be devastating because I cant play my favorite games like crang castle and I might lose my family.

What would you do to help the people in Nepal who has recently been struck by an earthquake ?

I would talk to my principal about holding a mufti day and sausage sizzle and fundraising money for Nepal.